THIS MIGHT HELP! Why border lines drawn with a ruler in WW1 still rock the Middle East BBC News (c) 2013
911, September 11 the BASE- ALQAEDA, today is comprised of devouring Biblical Locust, GLOBAL TERRORIST 2018 From Genesis 1; the Bible had been written for Mankind, the ONLY creature formed from dirt, today science tells us our bodies are made from Star Dust, the ONLY creature the record declares, God Breathed into, made in God’s Image; the ONLY creature with Human Homo Sapien DNA; THE FINAL CREATURE CREATED CAPABLE OF LOVE TOWARDS GOD & TOWARD HIS NEIGHBOR… the Only creature given Authority and Dominion over the other CREATURES including Neanderthal KIND CREATURES WITH NO BREATHE OF GOD; WITH NO ABILITY TO LOVE GOD. Adam’s lost was designated as ONLY temporal; a Redeemer in the course of time would appear in the history of the Woman’s Seed… the Redemption would return Eternal Sovereign Authority and Dominion to the son of Adam, by the heritage line of Jesse, to the Kingdom of King David. ISAIAH THE TEXT OF; the Prophets Isaiah and Daniel center around first the Sign of Immanuel Isaiah 7; to us a child is born Isaiah 9-the Seed of the Woman; the Branch of Jesse Isaiah 11; Israelite line of King David, gathered twice; once from Babylon Captivity – 2nd from Destruction of Jerusalem Scattering across the face of the earth; inescapable judgment Eze 14-24; finally in Ezekiel 37 Israel is awakened from Dry Bones… a Cemetary Valley …the Glory returned to the 2nd Temple… The Lord Is There! …a Anointed One would come first Daniel 9:25 Prophecy By DANIEL THE PROPHET WHO SENT BY PREDICTED PROPHECY, THE 3 PERSIAN WISEMEN TO ISRAEL TO EXACTLY BETHLEHEM TO HONOR THE PROPHETIC KING OF THE JEWS … a great Trumpet will sound Messiah Return Isaiah 27:12-13, The Suffering and Glory of the Servant Isaiah 52:13 thru 53:12, Isaiah 60, 73rd prophecy in Isaiah-Restoration 64 in progress scripture , Isaiah 61:1-2a Fulfilled, describes Messiah’s first coming …the Lord has Anointed Me, 61:2b …and the Day of Vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn, unfulfilled occurs at 2nd Coming; cross reference with John the Baptist -son of Zechariah Priestly announcement AND Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth …the declaration in the 1st century as Jesus of was handed the Book and stood up to read Isaiah 61:1-2a; the Anointed One Daniel 9:25; and the outline given Daniel by the Arch Angel Gabriel. DANIEL Daniel’s third Vision the Seventy Years Daniel 9; Daniel’s 4th Vision Israel in th Last Days Daniel 10; the Alexander the Great STORYLINE Daniel 11 and the Identification of the Wicked in the 21st Century… Daniel 12 911, September 11 the BASE, today is comprised of devouring biblical Locust, GLOBAL TERRORIST 2018, to the one day, Armageddon event. Wicked False Christs, False Prophets, Evil Axis Attackers use the sword… REVELATION Revelation 13:14, the Fire from Heaven Sign, focused the world’s attention on; and forever identified the Wicked of Daniel chapter 12. The Wicked Anti-Non-Anointed One or not anointed found in the text of Revelation 13 as the Sea Beast; this Beast is given authority by the Great Dragon, The Ancient Serpent called the Devil or Satan in Revelation chapter 12. The Wicked Terrorist, the Earth Beast are noted in the Books of Daniel and Revelation seen operating in their final 1260, 1290, 1335 Days of Gentile Kingdom existence, the Caliphate State Sign, those who pay homage to the image or be beheaded or be slain, based on current Fatwah-Islamic Law. Alqaeda- the Base, ends only with predicted events: the fatal Stone-Daniel 2:44-45 made without hands strikes the Feet and Toes of Daniel’s Metal Monarch Statue; the Blood stained Garments coming from Bozra , the Loud Trumpet Call Matthew 24:31, at Armageddon, at Messiah’s return. We are living in the 7th Week of the closing according to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. Both the Books of Daniel and Revelation provide the minute details of the End of the Age, NOT World. Matthew 24 provides Signs of The End of the Age, as well as, Mark and Luke. We are witnesses to the closing events THE END OF THE AGE; NOT WORLD, tracked and traced through Gentile monarchy history; as Gabriel’s, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Iron & Clay 634AD | 7 Heads-10 Kings Empire is seen in the Book of Truth. Through Time, Times and 1/2; biblical Metal Monarchs came to power then each monarchy crumbled as described in minute detail by the prophecy of Daniel… Each limb of the prophetic statue struck, consecutively and smashed to pieces becoming chaff blown away by the Wind without leaving a trace!