We are willfully careless if we lose what the Bible has to give us by thinking of it as a Mystery, not to be read in Content and Context & Storyline… forgetting the Words were set down to tell the Truth of His experience with His created sons. Human folks; who are God breathed, in His Image, capable of surviving and multiplying on Earth, complete with a TimeScale which brings Historic perspective to Genesis 3:15 “Then Shall”; the Course of History Time it would take for a Redeemer Seed of the Woman to be Birthed, Die, Rise and Live again… To have physically been seen first by Shepards then by Achaemenian Persian Wisemen, instructed by the Prophet Daniel to patiently wait for His Father’s Time Scale to run its course through Hebrew historiography; until the Prophet Isaiah speaks of A Virgin; who would believe such a report? Leading to the sacrifice of Jehovah’s Servant; Isaiah 53… whom we esteemed Not! He bore our griefs, carried our sorrows, striken and smitten of God, for our sake’s, Afflicted! Finally taking Vengeance on the Wicked; their blood on His garments; filling the Cup of Wrath… Isaiah 63; the return as Conquering King
Revelation 10:7, NIV: “But in the days when the Seventh Angel is about to sound his Trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to His servants the Prophets.” Not only connecting Secular Knowledge with Biblical Heritage; but providing Truth as written in the Book of Truth. The Hebrew Language Bible: The Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls. The Geneizah, Cairo Documents