YOU WANT TO KNOW! HEBREW BIBLE RESEARCH covers every aspect of the Bible Heritage; of the Human Homo Sapien birthed from Adam animated by the breathe of God.
No other entity on earth is equipped with breathe and heart beat of God. This is Mankinds Linear Storyline – Adam to Eternity.
The Promise designated and declared at Genesis 3:15, toward Mankind; every event from Genesis 3:16 forward are Cause and Residual Effects of the Creator’s Redemption Plan; ultimately provided through the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; by Covenant to each. God’s Plan for Man; passed forward in LINEAR STORYLINE form, from Anti-Diluvian Times, Adam to Noah to the present Diluvian World; Noah to the present. Each prophetic recorded in great detail spoken through Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms… the Ancient Redemption Plan through the line of King David; the Hebrew lineage of the Son of God; anointed by John the Baptist, priestly lineage on mother and fathers side; to Jesus of Nazareth Anointed Messiah. The prophet Jeremiah states through the Covenant of a circumised heart the restoration of Israel begins, Jeremiah 31:31; The Time is Coming: a New Covenant with houses Israel & Judah; not like forefathers broken covenat once out of Egypt. The Law in the Minds, written on the Heart. Jeremiah 31:38-39 Time elements and locations are described as Holy, the City Jerusalen remains through uprooting and demolishion; evidenced by the 2nd return of the Anointed Messiah to Bozrah, Jerusalem towards Valley of Armageddon. Accordingly, Isaiah 66:22-24 describes: New Heavens and New Earth, from one New Moon to another and one Sabbath to another… all mankind will come and bow down before the Lord… Isaiah 66:22-24. The Bible will fulfill every Element of Prophetic Text; Artifacts will support prophecy, as the Dead Sea Scrolls discovery has provided tangible 1st century artifacts and schools; including the entire book of Isaiah. No human entity… can cause prophecy to fulfill. Carefully, read the words of the Book are recorded as, “thy Kingdom Come, thy Will be Done” …Why? because, It Is Written!