The Universe Explained, Colan A. Ronan; EARTH An Introduction To Geologic Change, Sheldon Judson; Genesis and the Big Bang, Gerald L. Schroeder; The book of Genesis,Grace Saxe; In The Beginning, Everett Fox; TRILOBITES, Smithsonian Institute The Sant Ocean Hall; Dinosaurs, Dowsell, Malam, Mason, Parker; Creation and Evolution, Norman Dennis Newell; The ICEMAN, Don Lessem; Ancient Civilizations 3000bc -500ad, Time Life Books; Masada, Yigael Yadin; Pompeii and Herculaneum, Mortimer Wheeler; Alexanader of Macedonia, Peter Green; Byzantine, A History, John Haldon; Mohammedanism Hamilton Gibb, MOHAMMED Encyclopedia Britainica 1857; Ockley’s History of the Saracens; Ottoman Empire Norman Itzkowitz | The Jewish State Theodor Herzl, The Message of the DEAD SEA SCROLLS Yigael Yadin, JERUSALEM SACRED CITY OF MANKIND A HISTORY OF FORTY CENTURIES Teddy Kollek & Moshe Pearlman, WORLD TRADE CENTER The Giants That Defied The Sky Peter Skinner’ …New York SEPTEMBER 11 Magnum Photographers excerpted: MORE 2018